Spring 2023
Tuesday/Thursday, 6:00pm – 7:15pm
2207 Engineering Building III
Wolfware Course Web


Dr. Xiaohui (Helen) Gu

  • Office: EBII 3274
  • Office hours:  T/Th 5:00pm – 6:00pm or by Appointment
  • Phone: (919) 515-7045
  • E-mail: xgu AT ncsu.edu

Teaching Assistants/Graders:

Yuhang Lin

  • Office: my Zoom
  • Office hours: T/Th 12:00pm – 1:00pm
  • E-mail:  ylin34 AT ncsu.edu

Fogo Tunde-Onadele

  • Office: EBII 1229B
  • Office hours: M/W 4:00pm – 5:00pm
  • E-mail:  oatundeo AT ncsu.edu


  • Please fill out the affidavit and return it by Thursday, 01/16/2023.

About the Course:

Textbook (There is no required text book. The exams are based on lectures).



  • CSC 246, CSC 314, Programming competence in C and Unix.

Message Board:

Format and evaluation:

A student’s performance in this course will be evaluated through homework assignments, quizzes and exams.

Programming assignments  (40%)

Quizzes (5%)

Exams (55%, midterm: 20%, final: 35%)



The tentative schedule is as follows.  We may change the schedule as needed, with good reasons.






1 1/10 Introduction intro.ppt


1/12 Processes

PA 0

Due: 1/24, 11:59pm

2 1/17 Threads thread.ppt
1/19 Scheduling scheduling.ppt
3 1/24 Scheduling

PA 1  

Due: 2/10, 11:59pm

1/26 Synchronization synchronization.ppt
4 1/31 Synchronization
2/2 Synchronization
5 2/7 Synchronization
2/9 Synchronization deadlock.ppt
6 2/14 Deadlock

PA 2

Due: 3/17, 11:59pm

2/16 Wellness day; No class
7 2/21 Memory Management memory.ppt
2/23 Memory Management vm.ppt
8 2/28 Memory Management midterm-review.ppt
3/2 In-class Midterm
9 3/7 Interrupt

3/9 Storage

 PA 3

 PA3 slides.ppt
10 3/14 Spring Break; No class  
3/16 Spring Break; No class
11 3/21 Storage storage.ppt
3/23 Cancelled; No class
12 3/28 File Systems file-sys.ppt
3/30 Multicore OS multi-core.ppt
13 4/4 Virtual Machine

Extra Credit

4/6 Virtual Machine PA3 Mid Submission Due: 4/7, 11:59pm vmm.ppt
14 4/11 Data intensive computing dic.ppt
4/13 Data intensive computing distributed.ppt
15 4/18 Cloud Computing
4/20 Final Review  
PA3 Final Due: 4/23, 11:59pm final-review.pdf
16 4/25 No class
4/27 (Thursday) Final Exam 7:00 – 9:30pm
Extra Credit Due: 5/1, 11:59pm


Moodle Homepage


This course includes materials provided by Dr. Vincent Freeh, Dr. Frank Mueller, Dr. Xiaosong Ma, and Dr. Xuxian Jiang.