SIPTA School 2022

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The 10th SIPTA School on imprecise probabilities will be held on August 15–19, 2022, in Bristol, UK. This is probably too short of notice for the reader of this post to be able to attend the meeting in person, but I was told by one of the organizers that at least videos of the lectures would be made available somewhere after the fact. Anyone interested in the meeting details should check out the school’s website.

Course website is up

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This is my first post, just to announce that the course website is now up and running. It doesn’t have any real content yet, but I’ll be working on the Course Information page in the coming days. The Course Material page will get filled in as the semester progresses.

I created a rough advertisement for the course earlier this summer, which is available here. The details I’ll be adding to this site in the coming days will clarify what I have in mind.